yawwww~ hmm..
haih! life's still as usual, I'm still kinda pekchek.
every night when I'm going to bed, everyday i wake up, my mind start to think about those i don't like.
it's kinda bullshit. =_=''
but i cant refuse to think, it makes me more pekchek if i try to avoid. buhhh!
after chatting with daniel and ashley, i felt better and i know myself more and more. yeap! they kinda understand me when i don't know how to voice up what's in my mind. all they always correct de. ish! anyway, thanks a lot. =)
btw, i remain like what i think. XD
like what i told you guys(daniel and ashley) and vivian. buahahahahah! it might lemmi feel better gua, as i dun need to worry so much or "white book" so much. I don't wanna waste up my time on thinking anymore la.. x)
so the only way lorh. XD