friday, our skul's [hari perpaduan]~
everyone have to wear any race's costume...
last yr, i wore semi-cheongsam..
tis yr, i wore whole set one~ but it's kinda short..
so have to wore safety short inside.. XD
as everyone noe, our skul... lotsssssssss of THOSE malay boys! =.='''
n there's a special student.. she wore Japanese costume.. XD
cute but is tat oso one of our race in out country??! later get kill by Malaysian argh~~ XP




n saturday, i went to our skul's joggerton.. 
omos every girl in U6A1 joined.. cuz it's ady our last yr in st.thom..
even though not all of us get prizes but we felt fun.. ^^
it's oso one of my weight loss plan~~ muahaha!
kinda tired.. OMG!
dunnoe how many yrs i din walk n run for tat long distance ady.. XD
'm only gud in short running.. but not long distance la~~ =.=''
while running, something pop out in my mind---sud i stop n ke ke faint??! wahaha!

sooooo tired n now my leg's muscle -----pain sei!!

after we reached skul.. everyone very tired~

tis pic taken by our teacher--mr.chu...
he dunno how to use my fon.. so the pic bcum soooo blur.

prizes...milo~ XD


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